
Pick a card


One book or movie that had a big impact on you, and why?


Looking back, what’s the best decision you’ve ever made?


Which family tradition would you like to change?

Get 10 thought-provoking questions right now!

Powerful questions that spark your self-awareness and pave the way for deep meaningful relationships.

play together

Play Together

A mode where you can ask your partner, friends, family, colleagues or even strangers all kind of questions that can spark long hours discussions wherever you are.


Explore Your Self

The single-player mode is designed for you to explore your own mind and build awareness.

play together
play together
The Library

A collection of thoughts

A library where your thoughts are stored for you to review over time to witness the evolution of your mind.


What people say

about us

"Playing The Onion Talks made me live unexpected moments of discussion, discovery and laughs with both close friends and people I had just met. I would recommend it to anyone."

- Marion

"I never felt so connected to people since my expatriation to Spain one year ago. The Onion Talks triggers much more than just interesting conversations - a sense of belonging"

- Sreejith

"Each time I play, I discover my friends a bit more. This game is special"

- Ana

"I use The Onion Talks to spice up my dating life and have interesting conversations in a playful mode. This is a massive game changer! I’m not bored anymore, my dates are way more authentic."

- Magdalena

"I feel i’m finally getting to know my parents"

- Tim

"I have no words to describe my experience with The Onion Talks. I just want to play with everyone"

- Lea